Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Dismal Swamp Ride...

Well Typical Show Weekend... Rain.. Rain... Rain....
So Logic tells me... (I know you don't need to say anything !!!)
If I'm going to get wet better get wet someplace interesting....

Left Hobart Friday arvo - Stopped in Launie at a mates place
(thanks FatGuts and Lizzy)
Departed Sat about 11am
Typical Northern weather - looking North from Launie

Two and ahalf hours later - Arrive Dismal Swamp
35K's West of Smithton.

Dismal Swamp is a 400 Acre Sink Hole (a bit like Launceston...)
Largest in the Southern Hemisphere.
Largest Stand of Blackwood trees in the WORLD.

The Visitor Centre and the Start to "THE SLIDE"

The Start of the SLIDE.....
It drops 40 meters to the the floor of the sink hole....

Does not look too steep..... Ha Ha Ha....

Not until now and the Corner of DEATH... Holy Crap.....
*Terrified look on Face*

One of the local's Houses, Little Crayfish..

Scattered around are exhibits from artists...

Now this is why it's called the Dismal Swamp
As when it was discovered they slept in the trees (only Dry place)
They could not even get a fire started and in their journal they said
it was the MOST Dismal Swampy place ever they has seen.

What a BIG tree you have there....

One last shot of "THE SLIDE"

On the way back - a few stops on the way.

The NUT - Stanley

Rocky Cape Lighthouse


At 3:31 pm, Blogger KELTLADY said...

Your photos are great. I got the creeps looking at that picture of the door with the giant key hole. Don't know why though....probaly vibes from the people who slept in the trees.
Take care and cheers!!!


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